Monday, May 03, 2010

{Day Dreaming}

When I first 'got out on my own' as a very independent 18/19 year old, I moved to a little town, got an apartment and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED where I lived. This is where monumental, life-changing events took place in my life. This is the town that has so many great memories, this is the town I was day dreaming about today. This is the town that I can not wait to move back to. After my days of raising Mason are over, then giving him his 'wings', I plan to find a little house to call my own. I drove through the town today, all through the little, cozy streets and dreamed of what my house would look like, how I want it decorated, have a few cats and a dog and to just love my life there. Maybe it's just a dream, maybe my life will lead me to bigger and better places. I truly believe that "we become what we think about". Maybe I'm only thinking on one straight path, but right now I like this path. The town has cute little shops on the main street and a feeling of warmth that I have never gotten from any other town that I have lived in. I'm finding it's essential in life to look forward and have dreams and goals, I think before I was just going through the motions. I don't want to wish 20 years of my life away, but I really look forward to being in a place that I feel 'right' in. Don't get me wrong, where we live now is great. It's a great place to raise a child, it's very peaceful here. So, that was my day. I don't know what the future holds, but I can tell you I am very excited about it!

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