As pathetic and disturbing as this show is to me, I could not stop watching it last night! I would like to blame it on the old adage "There's nothing on TV tonight", but that is far from the case. I fill my Saturday nights with COPS and crime shows, Forensic Files was on at the same time as Paris's My New BFF. So, it couldn't have been for a lack of good TV. I just couldn't stop watching, I don't know if it was the disbelief that early 20 year olds could still act like this well after high school has ended, or if it was just the pure amazement that people do actually live and party like this. Whatever the reason, the show was pretty good! Jason even came in towards the end of the show and I was going to change it, but he wanted to see who Paris sent home, go figure! It must be a good show to hold an almost 30, sports loving, manly man's attention! I can't say much for MTV, but what I can say is, I'll be tuning in next week to see how the next challenge plays out!! OMG, TTYL!
Paris has a pretty good sense of humor, I must admit. She did a spoof of the election ads that was really funny. Don't want to be her BFF however.
Say it isn't so!
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