I WANT this!! Somehow I signed up for emails from a company that finds the best of the best products on the market and wraps them all into one email. Everyday. The latest products included kitchenware. I love this, maybe because it has two of my favorite things engraved in it (and I mean Johnny CASH!!):

It is a terracotta cooking dish. I have never cooked in terracotta and to be honest never even knew that one could! As I researched it further, I found out the terracotta has to be food-grade, a good old trip to the Home Depot won't work. I am looking forward to experimenting with cooking in terracotta even if it does not say "Mason" or "Cash" on it!
Snapple has always been a favorite drink of mine. I love to open an ice-cold diet raspberry tea Snapple and read the "Snapple Real Fact" printed on the inside of the cap. Recently, an all new series of facts have come out! I always liked little known, useless facts! Some of my favorite ones include:
#50 Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
#73 The average person spends 2 weeks of its life waiting for a traffic light to change. (I think mine is double now that I have to wait for the traffic light at school...SO long...)
#98 When the moon is directly over you, you weigh less. (I really need to moon to be out at all times!)
#123 Beavers were once the size of bears. (WHAT??)
# 846 An average of three billion cups of tea are consumed daily worldwide. (I know someone who contributes to this number!)
For a more extensive list of facts to blow your mind, check out
this blog
Well, Snapple is a good option (or iced tea in general) to drink because after I read
this article, Mason and I WILL.NEVER.DRINK.SODA.AGAIN (or at least very, very rarely). I could not believe some of those studies. Gross. I used to be a diet Mt. Dew drinker and I used to love Diet Dr. Pepper, but no more, it is not worth it. Thankfully, water has always been my drink of choice.
I got so much accomplished today! On non-school days it is so tempting to go back to bed for a few extra minutes (ok, hours) of sleep, but today I brewed some Gevalia Expresso Roast. Within minutes of finishing my last cup (I won't tell you how many!) I was ready to start the day off with a bang! After I was done cleaning I lit my Mistletoe scented Yankee Candle and now the entire place smells like fresh pine trees! Not that I am ready for Christmas (it will be here before we know it, though), but I love the smell of Christmas trees, all year long!
Enjoy the rest of your day!