sipping an ice cold Sam Adams with a lime wedge. I am craving adult conversation and interaction. Anything that does not contain words like, "really rare Koala Bear pencil topper", "iCarly", "animal bracelets", "the new Mario wii game", "accidentally flushing a plastic cup down the toilet", shall I go on?? I just want to sit around with good company and not have to think about a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. But, I don't see that coming anytime soon. I was helping Mason clean his room yesterday, and under his bed was a jelly bean (from Easter, I presume, I hope it was THIS Easter) and before the words, "Don't you dare eat that" went from my brain to my mouth, Mason popped it in his mouth. Do you see what I'm dealing with??!! Oh my.
Mason was supposed to have a game tonight and we drove the whole way out to the field (the game was away, about 35-40min away) and they called the game. Ahhh. So, I decided that cleaning needs to be done, but I'd rather give blood. It is so hot in my house because I can't get the air conditioner up from the basement because it is so heavy, so I have been suffering with all these hot, humid days. Gross. Maybe I shouldn't have complained at how cold it was this winter, I'd take that right about now!!
I suppose I should get off the computer and clean now, but Facebook is calling my name! It is so addicting, sometimes it drives me crazy. It wastes way too much of my time. I used to (well, it's still active) have a myspace account. I went on it the other day just to see what has changed. It was so bad, I spent about 5 minutes on it and got off of it! It is so, childish, I guess would be the word! I did check my photos that I had on my account and Mason looks so small! It was all family outings photos from when he was about 6 or 7, I can't believe how much he has grown! I'm off to go eat dinner and then get some cleaning done, or maybe crafting. Who knows!
Can you believe it is June already??
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