6:15 am (after his alarm has been going off for 15 minutes)
Me: Mason, it's time to get up.
Mason: uhhh, k.
6:20 am
Me: MASON, you have to get up for school, get dressed.
Mason: k, I'm getting up.
At this point I have come down stairs, gotten the dogs out, getting my lunch together and started to get myself breakfast.
6:35 am
Me: Mason...Mason...MASON??
Mason: Zzzzz...
6:45 am
Me: Mason, if you're not down here in 10 minutes, you're going to start losing privileges.
Mason: OK, MOM. Geez, I'm getting up.
Fast forward to 7:15 am
Me: [Walking up the stairs] I hope you're up and dressed...
Mason: Zzzzz
Then the next day, then the next....
Well, I was thinking there was going to be some relief this summer because he could sleep in and get some well deserved rest, however, this summer is different. Last summer I only worked 2 or 3 days a week. So, Mason could sleep until 2pm if he wished! But not anymore, I have to work all week, up early each and every day, and because I can't afford to send him to any camps this year, that means going to work with me. Bummer for him, his whole summer got flipped upside down, all because someone in his life doesn't have the 'warm and fuzzies' any more. I'm hoping he can have a normal-as-possible summer, but it's not going to be as fun for him as past years. This means more mornings like the ones above and because he LOVES to stay up late when there is no school, it's probably going to mean more struggles in getting him out of bed. I may have to resort to dragging him out by his toes! On the plus side, I'll get to spend quality time with him, but I know a 9 year old would much rather be at home, playing outside in the summer with his friends than riding in the car with Mom.
But, once he is awake, he is as sweet as ever!!
I stopped at a local fruit market, I love this one because they have a TON of fresh veggies and fruit and amazing prices. I got there as soon as they opened and I was going straight for the 'reject' table. All the poor fruits and veggies that didn't make the grade, but still taste as good as their presentable cousins, but cost WAY less. Well, apparently, I wasn't the only one who wanted to shoot straight for the bargain baskets. This woman, an elderly woman darted past me so fast, you would have thought there was a fire. I had my eye on the prize, a big basket full of eggplant, peppers, onions, garlic, etc. for $2.50. Well, as soon as I rounded the corner, she cut me off!! She WANTED that basket and nothing was going to come between her and the cheap veggies!! So, I settled for the fruit basket, all these goodies for $2.50:
{except for the peppers, I bought them separately}
3 grapefruits, a dozen lemons (have no idea what I'm going to do with all of them), 2 mangoes (not a fan, but Mason likes them), 2 tangerines, a tomato, mini onions (I guess that's what they are), apples and a nectarine. So, it was a good and cheap way to get some more fresh produce in the house even if I was run over by an old lady!!
I was having a bad day the other day, you know the whole I've-turned-31-and-my-husband-left-me-I'm-not-getting-a-gift-from-him-or-Mason-not-getting-to-celebrate-as-a-family thing, you know, everyone goes through it, so as I was driving I saw this (once again, I think it was meant for me!):
So, it made me smile. And my little Trails makes me smile, too ;0)
Here's to a great weekend...
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