Sunday, July 19, 2009

{I Can Breathe}

Baseball season is officially OVER, for this season, anyway.

**I'm doing my happy dance right now!**

It was SO funny today at the field. We set up our chairs right behind home plate because there were huge pine trees that provided a ton of shade and as most of you know I DO NOT like the sun. So, Mason had a spurt of energy and asked me and Jason if we wanted him to run one or two laps around the field. We told him either would be fine, but both of us were thinking there is no way he's going to do a lap around the field, Mason is a lot of good things, but being a good runner is not one of them!! So as we watched in amazement that he was almost back to the starting point, he falls flat on his face!! Now don't get me wrong, I am a very caring, loving mother, but all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh some more. Laughing so hard tears were pouring from my eyes. It was hilarious! So, he gets up and continues the lap and I heard, at a distance, a coach ask him if he was alright (OMGosh, I DIDN'T even ask him that, I was too busy laughing!!). When he got back over to us he told us as he was running a kid from another team wished him good luck and he turned around to thank him and that's when he fell. I am sure that you had to be there to see just how funny this really was, but trust me it was downright hilarious! In my own defense, had Mason not gotten up immediately from his tumble, I would not have been laughing and I would have hauled my butt over to see if he was ok. So, I'm not that mean! But it was funny!

We were at the tiny little flea market this morning and Jason spots some Atari games, yes, Atari. We were like 2 when this game system came out. I did have one as a kid, but these things have not been in play for what, 20 some years?? So, he gets some games, we don't have the system, but we now have 5 games for it. So, I was looking on eBay and there is no shortage of them on there. Will I be able to find one that works? Why do you want a game system where the graphics are so horrible you can hardly tell what they are? Ahhh, nostalgia. It's a wonderful thing. I wonder how much dust this is going to collect when I do finally break down and bid on one.

Ice Road Truckers and Army Wives tonight, YAY!!

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