Mason's hamster Ben crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night. I have been noticing the past few weeks that he has been sleeping a lot and having trouble getting up the steps/ramp in the cage, but I certainly didn't think his time was up. Yesterday afternoon after work I came home, rushed around to get Mason to his game and I checked on the hamsters and they were both asleep (I always check to see if they are breathing because they sleep so soundly!) and all was good. Then last night as the night was winding down, I again checked on them and Ben was not breathing. So, we called Mason in and he took it pretty hard. It breaks my heart as a Mom to see him so upset, but I know it is a good thing for him to have those feelings, I would have been concerned if he had not cared. So, we gave him the proper burial last night and Mason made a tombstone for him today.
On to much better news. A couple of weeks ago I commented on
One Scrappin Mama's blog and I won this awesome paper!! I got it the other day in the mail and I can't wait to use it, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I love it!! The paper is from the AC Bailey May Kit.
Ok, I had to work on Saturday and there happened to be a yard sale RIGHT across the street from the store that I had to go in to, so what would you do?? Well, I knew what to do. I was pressed for time, but I know how to speed shop, my eyes have the ability to look in both directions at once (not really, but that would be cool, or maybe creepy, but...)anyway, I found this birdcage for .50 and I had so much fun doing the
last bird cage that I thought I would give another one a try.
Here's the before:
The finish was nice, so I didn't need spray paint (did you hear that, NO spray paint, I must be sick) and it was is really good condition.
Here's what I did with it:
Top view:
Bottom view:
The house is made out of a granola bar box and the roof is from a box of Annie's Cheddar Bunnies crackers (they are delicious, by the way!) and I just covered it in pretty paper, used a lot of mod podge and hot glue and buttons and then made the 'nest' out of scraps that I rolled with a pencil. I really like it and I think that I am going to hang it either in my mud room or in the dining room with the other bird cage to keep Rocco (that's the bird's name!) company. Hope you like them!!
Well, it is May and I DO NOT have a theme for Mason's birthday, WHAT?? I need to plan this, I have been searching online for some inspiration, however, I think the older he gets the less fun 'themed' parties are, boo hoo. He keeps telling me he'll come up with an idea, but come on, he is a boy and this is a party planning project (AKA 'THE PPP') and we all know that the two don't mix. So, I hope to at least come up with some sort of idea here soon. I also would like little to no travel because of the nice ice storm that we had last birthday party. But not traveling leaves very little options in this neck of the woods. Maybe I should just chill!
Alright, I'm out of things to talk about for now!