Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Neighbor Calls Me Regina & Other Amusing Stories

We have lived here for about a year and a half now and have been friendly with our neighbors to the right of us. I had my dogs outside and Anne, the neighbor lady brought her little dog over and we got to chatting. Looking kind of embarrassed she asked me what my last name was (I guess that she thought she should have asked when we moved in). I told her. Then she said, "All the neighbors keep asking me WHO moved in next door" and continued, "I tell them, all I know is that Jason, Regina and Mason live there." Now at this point, I could have simply said, "Oh, no, my name is Robyn", but why make things so simple, right? I almost felt bad about telling her my 'real' name, so I said nothing. The next day I was playing with Mason out on the deck with some sidewalk chalk. I decided to write, "ROBYN was here" all over the deck in colorful chalk!! *HINT, HINT*!! Nope, she didn't bite, even though I knew she saw it!! Well, it's too late to actually tell her now (I would feel weird telling her now) and I have found myself responding to the name Regina when she says good morning to me or wants me to come check out her flowers in her yard. It's funny, but ridiculous at the same time!! So, at this point, I guess my name is Regina. Oh well!

Mason had a baseball game last night. The teams first win of the season! Yeah! I caved to the constant nagging of asking me for money for the concession stand and let him go get something. His first trip he got a snickers (wouldn't it be nice to just eat a snickers because you want to without feeling guilty??). His next trip was this:

Candy cigarettes. Up until a few days ago, I thought these things were a thing of the past. I mean, WHAT kind of example is that?? Perhaps the kids should start going on pretend beer runs *wink, wink Cherie*!! Maybe I overreacted, but I don't smoke and I certainly don't think that kids should walk around with faux cigs hanging out of their mouth. I embarrassed Mason, so I am sure he won't pull that again!

I walked 8 miles on Monday!! WooHoo. It felt awesome. Me and my walking buddy (and baseball buddy and soon to be football buddy), Cherie, and her friend walked on the walking trail and hit the 4 mile mark and then walked it back. That set the standard pretty high. I don't think that's going to be a regular thing, but I hope to keep up the miles! I was sore this morning, but since have been feeling fine. I can't wait to go tomorrow.

I have had this annoying nose/head/throat/cough cold for a long time and it's just plain driving me crazy. I went to Martin's, the world's best grocery store (at least in these parts!) and picked up some of this herbal tea:

Amazing! It is unbelievable how well it works! I had a cup of tea before bed last night and slept so soundly, woke up and could breathe! As the morning went on I could feel my symptoms coming back, so I had a really big cup of the tea again. It took about an hour to kick in, but as I was working today, I just felt normal. No stuffy nose. No sore throat. No sinus pressure. Just wonderful. I have never really been into herbs for healing, sometimes they scare me, but this worked fantastic. I plan to use this anytime I feel horrible.

That's all I've got!
Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

Gwen said...

Yikes! An identity crisis!
Hope you let the concession people know about that rotten candy. Hope Mason does not start going for the bubble gum in the 'chew' tin.