There are registries for everything now-a-days, birthday registry, wedding registry, showers, even kids birthdays. Why isn't there a Your-Worthless-Husband-Walked-Out-On-You-Leaving-You-Holding-The-Bag-For-Everything-And-Being-Forced-To-Make-Decisions-You-Never-Thought-You'd-Have-To-Make Registry? I think that would be perfect, especially in this world where the divorce rate is climbing into the 60% figures. Well, I'm guessing Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond could really increase sales with this idea. As I am moving all this stuff, I am realizing that I have not gotten new towels since my wedding. I have been pitching stuff that I have had around since then. My wish list would look a little something like this:
*new blender
*new crock pot
*set of glasses (that actually match!)
*12X12 area rug
*a new couch
*twin size bed (I'm downsizing my bed to make more room in my bedroom)
*toaster oven
I'm sure my wish list will grow as I move into the new place, but for right now as I see things that need replaced or are just too old for safety sake, I am putting them on the list and hope to be able to purchase them by the end of the year, so that 2011 will be MY year. I will be all settled and have everything just the way Mason and I want it. I sure as heck hope 2011 is a good year. I'll tell you 2010 will go down in history as a pretty awful year, I'd like to erase 2010 if I could but no such luck. I guess I can learn a lot from 2010, I learned that I can be shaken but not shattered. So, here's to moving and all the joy that goes with it....
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