Friday, June 15, 2012

Mind. Blown.

Some of you may or may not know my fascination with Mason jars. No, my one and only child was not named after the jar, my obsession came years after he entered my life. It gets a little more interesting when I found out that the Mason jar was actually patented on November 30. Yep, Mason's birthday! I may have blogged about this before (excuse me if I repeat myself, but I have quite a few things going on in my life right now!), but some Mason jars are actually molded with the words, "Mason's Nov 30", so perhaps you can see why I like Mason jars!

I use these versatile jars for just about everything, except canning!! That will change this summer when I will be taught the proper way to can from my Mom Mom! I can't wait! So, in the mean time I will continue to use them for drinking, storing, leftovers, and of course, my beloved smoothies. Which leads me to the most mind-blowing trick I have ever seen. Perhaps I am the last person on Earth to learn this because after I googled it, page after page came up. So, in case you are not aware, here goes...

First, gather your smoothie-making supplies:

I chose a strawberry-banana smoothie for this experiment

Fill the Mason jar and hold onto your head because your brain is about to explode.....

wait for it....

I am getting so excited to share this I can hardly contain myself! Fit the bottom of the blender with the blades onto the Mason jar!!!

Flip it and blend it!

Stick a straw in it and enjoy...

I have been guilty of making smoothies that are too big, so these are perfectly portioned!

I was a little afraid to try this at first, I thought the blades would hit the glass, so I tried it without anything in the jar at first with a towel covering my eyes in case glass went flying everywhere!

The smoothies are just the tip of the iceberg here. Pretty much anything that can go in a blender can be made into single-serving jars. Chopping nuts, ground coffee, and specialty coffee drinks, OH YEAH! It is already in a storage container, just pop a lid right on! It doesn't take much in this world to make me happy, just hand me a Mason jar and I will come up with something!

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