Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday's are very loooong days for me at work, but I survived another one! Lately, I have been seeking strength in positive quotes or sayings. The internet is full of them, so searching for them is no problem. It's the one's that I pass on my daily travels that make me think they were put there just for me. Maybe it's because I'm more aware of them (like the saying that churches put on their signs) but I like to think some sort of Divine Intervention puts them there for a reminder to keep my head up. Today I passed two signs that gave me that little boost I needed (while still groggy from not enough sleep last night) and made me smile. The first one read, "Love Keeps No Record Of Wrong" and the other said, "Happiness Is An Inside Job"! They both stuck out to me today and I am grateful that I saw them.

Mason will be home from school soon, so 3rd grade homework will plague me here shortly. But that's ok because I will never get this time back, no matter how stressful, crazy, what-to-pull-my-hair-out insane it gets here, I will reap the reward. This time is priceless and I have a little boy who is also.

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