Our dog, Jayde has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I sure hope she is chasing all the cats that she wants! This past year has been tough on her, with her showing signs of aging we knew it wasn't going to be very much longer that we had her. But this past week she couldn't even stand up and her face said that she was in pain. I didn't want to do it, but I knew it had to be done. We decided to put her to sleep last night, all of us were there petting her and telling her that we loved her. She was about 13 years old. Her story, with us, started in 2004. Dogs Deserve Better had their annual Chain-Off in Happy Valley and we went to support the cause. Little did we know we would be coming home with one of the best dogs you could ever ask for. She was lying under a table (it was hot) and we went over to pet her. Jason fell in love almost instantly. She had such a sweet face, who on earth could treat her so bad? She was about 6 or 7 at the time and we knew adopting an older dog meant that we wouldn't have as many years with her, but I also knew that she belonged with us and ever since that HOT July day, she has lived a pretty good life. She was a formally chained dog, apparently her former owners just didn't want her anymore (their loss). She lived in a dog house that had no floor and was rotting away to provide little to no shelter. It didn't take her long to love living inside! In her earlier years with us she would sleep on the couch all day long! She loved to lay outside in the grass in the summer and she loved chewies when she came in from outside. We already miss her and I swear I heard her when I came home from work today. But I didn't. I picked up her ashes today and they are in a beautiful urn. She will always be loved and always be missed.
Next up, even more good news {not really}! I was diagnosed with shingles-OUCH. I wouldn't wish this on anyone! The pain, at times was unbearable. It is slowly going away, but wow, I have never experienced anything like that before. With all of these things going on, we still haven't gotten our Christmas tree! Every year Christmas sneaks up on me and before I even get to breathe, it's the week before the big day. Oh well, what can I do? Christmas will get here whether or not I am prepared so I might as well just slow down and enjoy the season.
Right now it is time to relax with a hot cup of tea.....
Jayde is tearing around the green fields playing with Poco,and they are young and healthy again. When they tire they rest on couches as soft and fluffy as clouds. At least they do in my dreams.
Oh, Robyn, honey, I didn't know you had to put Jayde down...sweet girl. I'm so glad I got to see her and pet her a couple of weeks ago. She was a really good dog, no doubt about it. Thanks so much to you and Jason for saving her and loving her the way she deserved to be loved!
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