It's not like I have anything going on where I have to have this much blog-neglect, right??
If you had Smell-o-PC, you would smell the delicious vanilla cupcakes that I am making for Mason when he gets home tonight! Yum. I always try to make something special for when he arrives home, I would like to make him a special dinner, but since he doesn't get home until 8pm, I am ASSUMING he has already eaten dinner, not that he wouldn't try to eat two dinners!! I am simultaneously making hot chocolate {pure talent, don't be jealous}, in my NEW TEA KETTLE!! I LOVE IT! I also made a SMOOTHIE in my NEW BLENDER! Here is how it all came about.....
I have an awesome family who is very generous and we had a great visit last weekend with Aunt Maggie, Uncle Joe, Jim and Jon! It was great!! I am so glad that they decided to make the trip! We spend some quality time and there was little down time! The Flood Memorial, Linner [Lunch/Dinner], swimming, Mason's football game, whew....we were busy!! I'm sure the gas mileage was waaaay better on the way back because they had unloaded all the goodies that said family had sent back for us!! I didn't realize how bad that frozen fruit in my freezer really wanted to be blended into a delicious, nutritious, nutrient-packed breakfast drink! But it did and it was goooood. Mason has never had massive amounts of [diet] hot chocolate like he has this past week! I always hated mixing the packet then microwaving, it never turned out, but it does now! I even made the mulled apple cider, so comforting at night when it is so chilly! This is not your average blender [or what I like to call "the-throw-away blender because it's so cheap, it breaks when you put ice in it!!], this is a Food Network grade blender and it has all the bells and whistles!! I plan to use it to make soups this winter.
So, the visit was way too short, but can't wait to get together again!
Mason and I went to pick pumpkins on Monday:
Then we brought them home to carve them, long story short, I should have gotten a picture 5 minutes after we were done because within 3 days they were rotten and liquefied-GROSS!! So, that didn't go over so well! It was a cute little farm set up for Halloween:
Mason wouldn't get any closer!!
Look at this cute little Radio Flyer:
Speaking of Halloween, I was using the photo editing online software and they have options to make Halloween style photos! I used Mason's "Self Portrait: Feet" to play around with and got this:
I took Baileigh out the other morning because someone-who-will-remain-nameless could not get out of bed to take her out, but I found these pretty leaves [I LOVE Fall]:
Thank you, everyone for all the wonderful household needs/wants and the support is amazing. I truly feel Blessed to have such great family and friends!!
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