So, I started feeling a bit under the weather the other day and was just hoping that it was a 24 hour bug that seems to be going around. The next day I got worse. So, I finally dragged myself to the doctor after work yesterday and I had a 101.8 fever and strep throat. Not fun. So, I got some meds and am hoping they kick in soon. I slept awful last night. I just kept tossing and turning. Hopefully tonight will be better.
Mason had a football game on Saturday and it was so cold and rainy and the wind gusts were so strong that it blew my umbrella backwards and broke it in about four places!! I guess I shouldn't buy cheap umbrellas (or maybe even the expensive ones would do that, so it's better to buy the cheap ones!!).
Here is a story about Trails the cat:
So, my friend, Cherie and I were walking on the trail and I thought I saw a little animal up ahead and I was thinking to myself, please let this be a cat that has a good home, has a collar and tags on and is in good health and neutered and he just wandered away from home and I could just whip out my cell phone and call the owners who are probably distraught that their beloved cat has gone missing. Yeah. Right. So, as we approach this little guy, he is so super friendly that he just plops down to get a good belly rub. I try to pick him up and he doesn't like to be held, (at this point I knew he was coming home with me so I had to figure out a way to get him into my car), so we try, for about 1/4 of a mile to have him walk along side us. He does for awhile, but he gets tired and plops down for another belly rub! So, just as we are approaching the car he decides to not cooperate and he has claws, so who do you think is going to win! I ask Cherie if she would kindly keep the cats attention as I go get the car. The funny part is we are next to this community building that is apparently having a class in a room that is all windows and we seem to be the side show! So, all these people are watching us (laughing, no doubt) and we finally got him into my car and took him home, much to Jason's dismay. I thought about calling him Lucky, but then Cherie suggested the name 'Trails' and I like that so much better, plus I owe it to her for the embarrassment I put her through!! I took him to the vet and he had a pretty severe eye infection, if left untreated could certainly cause blindness, so here he is, making himself comfy and now he has a family for the holidays! I know I can't save them all, but for the time I have here on Earth, I want to do my best.
The annual Potato Fest was this past Saturday, yes, the day it was freezing and raining. I felt so bad for the vendors. It was a really bad day for them, I'm sure. We went up and Jason wanted to get some potato soup, I couldn't leave without stopping at the Fudgie Wudgie booth. Bad, I know. Fudge is my weakness, so is chocolate. So is cheesecake. So are brownies. So is....
Here are some highlights from the big Potato Fest:
Mason, stay out of the puddles (we must have said that 100 times!)
Mason got this cool picture:
Mmmmm Pulled Pork, right up my alley:
Cotton Candy at 10 am, hey, it was Saturday. You know, no rules on Saturdays:
Look how handsome Mason is! He is just getting so 'grown up'.
That's all I've got for now! The next 24 disc is due to arrive today!! YAY!
Yes, actually, my middle name is Awesome. Well, not really, but I like to think so.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
September 3rd Was My Last Post???
Wow, I would like to have some fabulous excuse like, I've been on an exotic cruise eating delicious cuisine, or I won Publisher's Clearing House and I decided to spend what would have been blogging time on some amazing shopping trip, but none of them apply. I can't really say what I've been doing. Facebook takes up a lot of my computer time, too much actually. We've been catching up with 24 on Netflix, just now finishing up Season 2, and can't wait to start Season 3. It has to be one of the best shows on TV, it took me eight years to figure that out!! Jack Bauer ROCKS!!
Football has started-I LOVE IT!! Not just watching Mason's team, but of course, the Steelers.
I have been working in my scraproom, not so much on projects, but organizing (I'm so awesome at that...not). I wanted to put all of my layouts in albums that have the same theme, (ex. football pictures in the football album, get the idea), so now I have all these albums that were once filled and now they only have a few 'themed' layouts in them. Not sure I am really liking it, but it is very time consuming, so I don't know if I am going to change it back or not, so who knows??
That's all I've got for now, not too many exciting things going on, but I will blog again soon! In the mean time, here are some funny pictures:
Football has started-I LOVE IT!! Not just watching Mason's team, but of course, the Steelers.
I have been working in my scraproom, not so much on projects, but organizing (I'm so awesome at that...not). I wanted to put all of my layouts in albums that have the same theme, (ex. football pictures in the football album, get the idea), so now I have all these albums that were once filled and now they only have a few 'themed' layouts in them. Not sure I am really liking it, but it is very time consuming, so I don't know if I am going to change it back or not, so who knows??
That's all I've got for now, not too many exciting things going on, but I will blog again soon! In the mean time, here are some funny pictures:
Thursday, September 03, 2009
[Cuteness Overload] & Other Fun Stuff
Here is the latest addition to the 'rescued' crew:
He's just here for a little while, I know it won't be hard finding this guy a home. He was rescued from a trailer (tied outside) and when the rescuers picked him up, there was no doubt that they saved his life. His ribs were bulging out of his sides and he scarfed down food and water like he'd never seen it before. So sad. But you would never even know he was here. He walked into the house for the first time on Wednesday, like he had lived here forever. My other dogs and cats just walked by him like they've know him his whole life (they are probably so used to seeing new pets in and out it doesn't even phase them anymore!!). His name is supposedly 'Andy', but I can't get used to calling a dog Andy, so I've been calling him 'little guy'. I'm sure he doesn't care, he's getting more attention than he's ever seen. He's just snoozing right next to my feet right now!
First day of school {Who you gonna call?}:
Well, as it turns out, I had to call my Dad. I was all prepared, got Mason's lunch packed, had some extra time, etc. The morning was going perfect. That is until I got ready to walk out the door. My keys were locked in the car that Jason took to work! Thank goodness it turned out ok, but what a morning! Mason was goofing off for the camera, so I told him I wanted just one serious pose. I finally got a serious pose. It turned out blurry-go figure!
Last day of summer fun. We were invited to go spend the day at the park with some friends of ours and wow! did we have a great time!! I have to admit, I didn't think it was going to be as fun as it was. I thought it was going to be hot and crowded, those two don't mix with me at an amusement park. Turns out it was cool and not crowded at all! The water park was the best. Usually, if it's a normal day, the lines to go up and down the water slides are sometimes an hour wait (totally not worth it!), but the kids (my husband included) ran up the steps and slid down the slides, up, down, up, down over and over again--NO LINES!! It was so much fun and what a way to end the summer.
Some highlights:
{This picture reminds me of that 'Unravel My Sweater' song for some reason}
But the fun doesn't end there. Oh no. I did something that I never thought in a million years that I would do. I rode this:
Yep. My friend Cherie and I got talked into riding this thing. Oh.My.Gosh. I will NEVER forget the feeling I had when I got on this 60 second ride that pulls you up in 56 seconds and then drops you 140 feet in 4 seconds. That's right, awwww yeah. The suspense was unbelievable. You don't know when you are going to fall and then when you reach the top (of which I couldn't even open my eyes because we were SO far up there the cars below looked like hot wheels) you hear a click and there it is, 4 seconds (it felt like 4 minutes) of pure adrenaline. I still can't believe that I rode it, but it was so much fun. Not fun enough to get on it again. But fun! Here is Jason and his friend John (they did it first, those brave, brave souls):
The look on their face is priceless, they were just coming down when I snapped this!
*I went to Wegman's* I went to Wegman's* I was browsing the produce department and I found these 'purple creamer potatoes'. Never heard of them, but wanted to try them. The deep purple color was so pretty:
See all the steam! I boiled them to make smashed potatoes:
I SO see these things popping up at my 'SpookTacular' dinner!
I'm out for now, Steeler game soon!!
He's just here for a little while, I know it won't be hard finding this guy a home. He was rescued from a trailer (tied outside) and when the rescuers picked him up, there was no doubt that they saved his life. His ribs were bulging out of his sides and he scarfed down food and water like he'd never seen it before. So sad. But you would never even know he was here. He walked into the house for the first time on Wednesday, like he had lived here forever. My other dogs and cats just walked by him like they've know him his whole life (they are probably so used to seeing new pets in and out it doesn't even phase them anymore!!). His name is supposedly 'Andy', but I can't get used to calling a dog Andy, so I've been calling him 'little guy'. I'm sure he doesn't care, he's getting more attention than he's ever seen. He's just snoozing right next to my feet right now!
First day of school {Who you gonna call?}:
Well, as it turns out, I had to call my Dad. I was all prepared, got Mason's lunch packed, had some extra time, etc. The morning was going perfect. That is until I got ready to walk out the door. My keys were locked in the car that Jason took to work! Thank goodness it turned out ok, but what a morning! Mason was goofing off for the camera, so I told him I wanted just one serious pose. I finally got a serious pose. It turned out blurry-go figure!
Last day of summer fun. We were invited to go spend the day at the park with some friends of ours and wow! did we have a great time!! I have to admit, I didn't think it was going to be as fun as it was. I thought it was going to be hot and crowded, those two don't mix with me at an amusement park. Turns out it was cool and not crowded at all! The water park was the best. Usually, if it's a normal day, the lines to go up and down the water slides are sometimes an hour wait (totally not worth it!), but the kids (my husband included) ran up the steps and slid down the slides, up, down, up, down over and over again--NO LINES!! It was so much fun and what a way to end the summer.
Some highlights:
{This picture reminds me of that 'Unravel My Sweater' song for some reason}
But the fun doesn't end there. Oh no. I did something that I never thought in a million years that I would do. I rode this:
Yep. My friend Cherie and I got talked into riding this thing. Oh.My.Gosh. I will NEVER forget the feeling I had when I got on this 60 second ride that pulls you up in 56 seconds and then drops you 140 feet in 4 seconds. That's right, awwww yeah. The suspense was unbelievable. You don't know when you are going to fall and then when you reach the top (of which I couldn't even open my eyes because we were SO far up there the cars below looked like hot wheels) you hear a click and there it is, 4 seconds (it felt like 4 minutes) of pure adrenaline. I still can't believe that I rode it, but it was so much fun. Not fun enough to get on it again. But fun! Here is Jason and his friend John (they did it first, those brave, brave souls):
The look on their face is priceless, they were just coming down when I snapped this!
*I went to Wegman's* I went to Wegman's* I was browsing the produce department and I found these 'purple creamer potatoes'. Never heard of them, but wanted to try them. The deep purple color was so pretty:
See all the steam! I boiled them to make smashed potatoes:
I SO see these things popping up at my 'SpookTacular' dinner!
I'm out for now, Steeler game soon!!
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