Wednesday, June 02, 2010

My Pumpkin Pie

For as long as I can remember I have called Mason, 'Pumpkin Pie'. I don't know when it started or how it started, but every night before bed, after we have our nightly talk, I say, "Goodnight, Pumpkin Pie"! I imagine on his wedding day, I will call him that (quietly, though!). I am so blessed to have been blessed with this kid of mine! He is getting through this tough time, with a lot of help and support. I encouraged him to write his feelings down, like I have been doing in a notebook. I told him to write whatever comes to mind, it could be his feelings or his likes/dislikes, anything goes. I caught a glimpse of what he wrote yesterday:


He is so sweet. He is my world. And I am his world. I am the one who is his 'constant'. Constant, stable caretaker. I am the one who is here everyday to make sure he is doing his best. I am the one he knows will never leave him no matter what. He knows this and he finds comfort in it. His responsibilities have been stepped up a notch. Unfortunately, they had to be. It takes a lot to run a household. I'm not making him do dishes/laundry/scrubbing floors (ok, I don't even scrub floors!!), etc. But he has his fair share of chores. He has very strong feelings about what has happened to this family. This life-altering event has changed him forever, his views, his feelings towards certain people and his relationships, no doubt. He has told me things that I never even knew he felt before. He is much more relaxed and stress-free now that the toxicity has left. He feels that he can be more open about things and I like that. It makes me happy to see him grow into a young man, who only has the sky as his limit. He's going to be ok, he is working hard and so am I to ensure that he is going to be ok. He needs to reach out for help. After all, you can't go though life-changing events in childhood and not get help. The problems, if not faced, will only follow you, eventually making things worse. Luckily for Mason, he has a Mom (who is awesome!!) that will not rest until he is ok and that would never choose anything or anyone before him. I will not settle for anything less than the best for him. Not every kid gets a Mom like that in life, but he's my Pumpkin Pie and I love him to pieces!!

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